Volume 26 – Issue 1 – 2014

Alexander Andrason
From resultatives to present tenses. Simultaneous path of resultative constructions

Denis Delfitto & Gaetano Fiorin
Indexicality and left-periphery

Svetlana Kaminskaïa
Quantification of speech rhythm in Canadian French in a minority setting

Emily Romanello & Lori Repetti
Imperative Characteristics in Romance Varieties Spoken in Italy

Book review

Emanuela Sanfelici
Where is historical syntax going?
A review of Galves, Charlotte; Cyrino, Sonia; Lopes, Ruth; Sandalo, Filomena & Avelar, Juanito, eds., 2012. Parameter Theory and Linguistic Change. Oxford: Oxford University

Volume 26 – Issue 2 – 2014

Alexandra Bagasheva, Jesús Fernández-Domínguez & Vincent Renner
Foreword: New territories in word-formation

Chariton Charitonidis
The linking of denotational and socio-expres­sive heads in Modern Greek and English compounding

Maria Koliopoulou
How close to syntax are compounds? Evidence from the Linking Element in German and Modern Greek

Christina Manouilidou & Linnaea Stockall
Teasing apart syn­tactic category vs. argument structure information in deverbal word formation: A comparative psycholinguistic study

Angeliki Efthymiou
Is there a meaning hierarchy in verb-forming suffixation? Evidence from English and Modern Greek

Stefan Hartmann
“Nominalization” taken literally: A diachronic cor­pus study of German word-formation

Marine Lasserre & Fabio Montermini
How is the meaning of complex lexemes constructed? A study of neoclassical compounds in -cratie / -crate and ‑logie / ‑logue

Mira Kovatcheva
An unrecognized class of words in Bulgarian and their word-formation

Ingo Plag
Phonological and phonetic variability in complex words: An uncharted territory

Books received