Volume 33 – Issue 1 – 2021

Elisa Mattiello
Blends vis-à-vis compounds in English

Chiara Romagnoli, Carmen Lepadat
Standard and variation in the use of sentence-final particles: A case study based on speakers of Mandarin and Min varieties

Special section:

Co-editors Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald and Péter Maitz
Language contact and emerging languages

Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald, Péter Maitz

Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald
Blended grammar: Kumandene Tariana of northwest Amazonia

Luca Ciucci
The hispanization of Chamacoco syntax

Katarzyna I. Wojtylak
Language contact and change: the case of Muruiñoz from Northwest Amazonia

Nathan M. White
Language and variety mixing in diasporic Hmong

Pema Wangdi
On Bodish languages in Bhutan: Language contact, genetic inheritance and parallelism in drift

Volume 33 – Issue 2 – 2021

Silvia Ballarè, Pierre Larrivée
Register impacts syntax: Scaling the accessibility hierarchy of relatives

Martin Becker
Free indirect discourse, quotative readings and the Romance Imperfect

Ivaylo Burov
Variables linguistiques et extralinguistiques pour la complexit  des syst mes tonals : le cas des langues africaines

Lucia Busso, Domenica Romagno
Caused Motion constructions between standard and substandard: entrare, uscire, salire and scendere in contemporary Italian

Jesús Olguín Martínez, Nicholas Lester
A quantitative analysis of counterfactual conditionals in cross-linguistic perspective

Elisabetta Jezek, Lunella Mereu
The syntax and semantics of locative there-sentences in Italian

Johan van der Auwera, Olga Krasnoukhova
How to do words with ‘things’: Multiple grammaticalization from ‘thing’ in Tupi-Guarani