Editorial correspondence

Send submissions to: bertinetto@sns.it


IJL normally adopts double-blind reviewing, whereby the author(s) identity is unknown to the outside reader and the reader’s identity is not revealed to the author(s). Anonymity is not, however, strictly enforced: authors are free to decide about it.


Articles should be submitted electronically, preferably in Portable Document Format (PDF). After acceptance, the final version should be prepared according to the Stylesheet (see the Style-sheet below).

The submission must be accompanied by an independent file (conventionally called “Cover Letter”) spelling out names, affiliations, and emails of all authors. Please underline all surnames, because they are sometimes difficult to identify.

The Cover Letter should contain a statement to the effect that the paper is an original work and is not currently under examination by any other journal.

If the Authors can provide financial support for the publication, they are invited to state so. IJL is an entirely Open Access journal and thus faces a critical financial position. Voluntary support from the authors is welcome.

Please check that the paper (in PDF format!) obeys the following requirements (possibly excepting tables, footnotes, and examples):

  • font size of the main text: equivalent to Times New Roman 12 (or CharisSIL 11)
  • line spacing of the main text: 1.5
  • continuous line numbers on the left hand-side of the page
    [in Word files: File > Page Setup > Layout > Line numbers > Add line numbering > Continuous]
    [Italian version: Formato > Documento > Layout > Numeri di riga > Aggiungi numeri di riga > Continua]
  • check that ALL scholars mentioned in the text have their due reference in the bibliographical list and viceversa

Research data and supplementary materials

For the sake of reproducibility of scientific results, Italian Journal of Linguistics encourages contributors to make their data available, unless they are bound by legal, ethical, copyright, confidentiality or similar clauses. This includes the full list of materials used for experimental tasks.

If size is a matter, the appendices can be hosted on the journal website or (with due indication in the paper) on other repositories, such as:
– the Author(s) website;
Harvard Dataverse;
Open Science Framework.

This extends to electronic materials mentioned in the published paper, such as illustrations (e.g. maps or diagrams) or audio and video files. Audio files should be provided in non-proprietary format, such as WAV. The audio content should be uncompressed (linear PCM data) or compressed using a lossless method such as FLAC.

Ethical and professional issues

Authors should carefully read the relevant part of the Ethical Code (see the link below).

Publication Fees

Authors publishing in the Italian Journal of Linguistics face no financial charges for the publication of their article. However, we welcome voluntary contributions to sustain our open-access policy, especially from authors having access to research funds (up to € 400, which is the ideal APC [Article Publication Cost] for IJL).

The APC covers all publication costs (web hosting; indexing; marketing; archiving; DOI registration etc) and ensures that all of the content is fully open access. This approach maximises the potential readership of publications and allows the journal to be run in a sustainable way.

Authors without access to such funds should indicate so during the initial submission process.


The Authors of articles in the journal retain copyright.

Purchase of copies

Privates and libraries may receive a paper copy of all new issues (see Contacts). 


Style-sheet – download

Ethical Code – download

Frequently Asked Questions