Volume 3 – Issue 1 – 1991

Wolfgang U. Dressler & Anna M. Thornton
Doppie basi e binarismo nella morfologia italiana

Edward F. Tuttle
Nasalization in northern Italy: syllabic constraints and strength scales as developmental parameters

Walter Castelnovo
Temporal perspectives

Thematic section:

L’universel et le particulier dans le traîtement des déterminant

Stanislaw Karolak

Andrzej Boguslawski
On the proper measure of semantic nihilism in the treatment of the articles

Naoyo Furukawa
Quand la nuit finira, je serai les mains vides: le mécanisme formateur d’une construction non conventionnelle

Stanislaw Karolak
La structure de la proposition et l’idiomaticité de l’article

Violetta Koseska-Toszewa
The category of definiteness/indefiniteness revisited

Heinz Vater
L’article défini et les noms institutionnels

Volume 3 – Issue 2 – 1991

Giuliana Giusti
Zu-infinitivals and sentential structure in German

Zlatka Guentchéva
Les deux types de possessifs en bulgare moderne

Roberto Musella
Anaphora and coreference: definite and non-definite antecedents

Antonia Rubino
Patterns of language choice and language contact in formal and informal settings

Lori Repetti
A moraic analysis of Raddoppiamento fonosintattico

Thematic section:

L’italiano come lingua di contatto / Italian as contact language

Raffaele Simone

Gaetano Berruto
Fremdarbeiteritalienisch: fenomeni di pidginizzazione dell’italiano nella svizzera tedesca

Camilla Bettoni
Language shift and morphological attrition among second generation Italo-Australians

Herman Haller
Atteggiamenti linguistici nelle comunità italo-americane

Raffaele Simone
Why linguists need variation. Reflections on Italian in ‘troubled contexts’